Friday, February 18, 2011

The Fatal Flaw

 In life flaws are inevitable;  each and every person has one major flaw. In the story "To Build A Fire", a young man has a major flaw; ignorance, which proves to be fatal.

     Ignorance is when you lack education or knowledge, meaning your not very smart, or you don't think things all the way through. In "To Build A Fire" a man sets of on a journey with nothing but his dog and his lunch, this man is oblivious of the fact that it is below -75°F, and before he left an elderly man said not to travel outside in this weather, and if he did to bring someone with him. However, this man did neither of the things, and this is just the first appearance of this man's ignorance. Next the man faces several obstacles which include small layers of ice, which he falls in, and it probably isn’t a good thing to have a soaking wet foot while it's freezing outside and your in the middle of no where, after this the man starts to notice it's kind of a bad thing to have a wet foot so he builds a fire. " It was his own fault, or rather his mistake. He should not have built the fire under the spruce tree. He should have built in in the open. But it had bee easier to pull the twigs from the brush and drop them directly over the fire….. It grew like an avalanche, and it descended without warning upon the man and the fire, and the fire was blotted out!". This quote from "To Build A Fire" on page 138 was meant to show the man's ignorance again; going back to the definition,  the man didn't think all the way through and to built a fire, but forgot about the tree, due to that, this man met his end.

     The man's tragic flaw was ignorance, many others are ignorant just like him, however not many have died because of it, unlike this man .No matter what you do, you will always have a flaw, it's like death, inevitable.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Do you know where oranges come from? Of course you do, Florida! HAHA! Just kidding oranges are grown from Orange Mills in North Dakota, where they are brutally tortured, mentally abused, and  constantly harassed. Orange Mills are basically mass producing  orange company's who want lots of money. The main Orange Mill is called Mr. Orange Inc. where they hold around 15 to 20 oranges in a 2x2 cage and aren't fed or given water for several weeks, that is until they make babies. Oranges are very similar to humans, they need water, and they are omnivores meaning they eat meat and other foods, however their mating process is different and most oranges are viscous cannibals. The oranges mating process  starts with one of the oranges splitting it's self in half and waiting for a human/mill employee to dump a pile of wax worms on top of them. Once this process has begun, the worms grow up and explode leaving a white skin around the weak insides, about 6 weeks later the orange yet again splits itself in half and produces a baby orange better known as a Tangerine. About 3-7 weeks later, the tangerine opens its eyes and learns survival instincts from it parents, like how to find food, how to defend itself from its one and only predator, the Predator shown in the movies Predator, Predator 2, and Predators, the last thing the orange needs to learn is that apples and bananas are ruthless orange killers .