Monday, March 21, 2011

Pet Punishers (Randomly thought of this)

Are you tired of coming home after a long day of work to find your walls and furniture mysteriously torn apart. Right away your probably think it was your cat or dog. Well before you punish your pet incorrectly, maybe you would like to call one of our Pet Punishers. Pet Punisher's offer a wide variety of options, for example if you cat is constantly hiding your car key on you, we can firmly place it in a pool and close the tarp. Too harsh you say? Well that's why we offer many options starting at Petty(a simple spray of water), and ending at Extreme( the closest you can legally get to animal abuse). About how much would you pay for our 'Pet Specialist'? $20, $50, $67.94? Well, you ONLY have to pay them $49 per punishment. You can order a Punisher now!! Just call 1-800-527-PETS, or you could visit us online at BUT THAT"S NOT ALL!!! If you order now, we will give you a 5 DVD series on how you can personally punish your pet! For free!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great! shows how ridiculous some advertisements can get.
